21 February 2013

I love U2FP. I hope that you'll 'like' them on facebook

Unite2FightParalysis. This was the group that inspired me to get involved in the fight to cure paralysis. Can you imagine how they motivated me?


Just look at their name.

I was paralyzed and laying in a hospital bed and their name came shouting out at me.


While the rest of the world was getting me ready for my life sentence in the chair, there was a group that believed that you could FIGHT paralysis by UNITING.

Well, this appealed to me on three fronts.

PARALYSIS: Well, I was paralyzed.
FIGHT: I believe that this is what we must do to solve most problems.
UNITE: Fit in perfectly with my trade union background.

So, I appeal to you to 'like' them on facebook. They want five hundred likes by the end of this month.

While you're at it: don't forget to like my blog's facebook page, too.

More about U2FP

Unite 2 Fight Paralysis is YOUR grassroots community advocacy organization that will help accelerate discovery and application of curative therapies for paralysis.

Our mission is to unite and empower the paralysis community, building a powerful voice that will help bring full recovery to all those living with paralysis.

We are the grassroots voice of advocacy in the paralysis community. Each year we host Working 2 Walk, a Science & Advocacy Symposium that brings together key players in the effort to bring curative therapies to reality. Research scientists, practitioners, and community members meet to exchange information and develop strategies for accelerating the cure.

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