31 December 2012
Wishing all of you hope for 2013
21 December 2012
Working2Walk - the book
- She describes the project plan in detail, and the clock starts ticking.
- She reaches out to everyone who would be interested in the finished product.
- She asks for people to back that project by pre-ordering a book or two, sharing the idea with their own communities, and kicking in a small amount to pay for the cost of production and shipping.
So far, she's got commitments for more than half the project! There's a time limit, though, and if she doesn't get fully funded by January 6th, there won't be a book! If you can help, go to Kickstarter now and do it! Then add a note and forward this e-mail to everyone you can think of. We really want this to happen; we really want our story to be out there in print, in hospitals and libraries and exercise facilities and homes. | ![]() |
18 December 2012
You speak to the Rick Hansen Foundation & Institute
After some preliminary discussions and email between me and RHG, it looks like three delegates from our campaigns from Canada, the UK, and Japan will meet leaders of RHG by skype. Our goal, just one thing, to find out about RHG's vision and plans to become leaders for a cure for chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) and how we the paralyzed and our supporters can be involved.
From the very beginning we understood that the voices of ones and twos are easily shunted aside and the more we spoke in unison, the louder our voices grew; from the ninety or so who sent the first protest emails to the last group of 750 who emailed RHG during our INterDEPENDENCE campaign. The paralyzed are standing up and demanding that large foundations show leadership the size of their purses in building collaboration and vision in our war on paralysis.
Thank you. These upcoming talks are your good work and you will be kept abreast of the talks.
Dennis Tesolat
BlackBerry from DOCOMO
30 November 2012
Your solidarity WILL bring a paralysis cure!

We'll keep you informed of any developments after we sent the following email this morning telling CDRF that we were ending our campaign and that they should listen to paralyzed folks and their supporters all over the world and work on a cure, not a celebration, of paralysis.
23 November 2012
One click to stop the NONSENSE and stand up for paralysis CURE
- Send a message to CDRF by clicking below and tell them that you're insulted by the "Benefits of disability" and demand that they take it off Facebook and their website.
- Go to the Facebook page and leave your own comment to the author
10 November 2012
Finally some answers from the Rick Hansen Institute
I'm happy that they gave us answers and that the answers were quite detailed, but I have to admit that in my opinion, the answers clearly show that they are doing nothing, or very very little, to deal with a cure for chronic spinal cord injury.
RHI's advertising makes it look like they are dealing with a cure for chronics. Have a look at http://www.rickhanseninstitute.org/images/header/trudeau_oneday1.jpg and see as one of their own board members, Marie Trudeau who was injured at eighteen, says that, "One day...I hope to run on the beach." This is a clear statement that they are committed to a cure for chronics; I just wish that their research showed the same commitment.
Another good point is that they have agreed to talk. We are in the midst of trying to organize the first talk between myself and Mr. Bill Barrable, RHI's CEO. I'll keep you all posted about the progress.
Now without further ado, I will let you judge for yourself about the amount of RHI's work on a cure for chronic spinal cord injury.
28 October 2012
More reasons to support Working2Walk and Unite2Fight Paralysis
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Irvine, California 1-3 November |
- a yearly conference sponsored by U2FP since 2006 to bring together scientists, practioners, paralysis survivors and family members for a dynamic exchange of information and strategies
- with a jam packed agenda of the best science to cure paralysis
- presented by leading world scientists and others involved in raising money and advocating for a cure for spinal cord injury
- having a live blog to read about the events as they happen (2011 W2W)
- putting the main speakers up on the web so we can see the good news about the main scientific cure breakthroughs (2010&2011 W2W). These videos have been seen in over 50 countries.
- legislative advocacy on behalf of the spinal cord injury community
- teaching us how to be active for cure through their advocacy and fundraising toolkits
- identifying and advancing the most promising research to cure CHRONIC spinal cord injury through their Scientific Advisory Board and Advocate Research Committee.
- and giving us the tools to educate, organize, and take action for a cure for spinal cord injury.
These are the the first hand benefits that we all get from this conference and this organization, and why I made a donation to support their work.
But there is a more personal side because U2FP's work IS personal.
U2Fp understands firsthand the challenges and issues that accompany an SCI. They aren't driven to our work by a paycheque. They are driven by the love they have for the people who are injured. Everyone on the U2FP board either has a SCI or a child with one. They're passionate about moving therapies forward and witnessing recovery in our lifetimes.
19 October 2012
Do I smell or something?
I asked,
1. What percentage of your budget went to research (basic or translational) for a cure for chronic spinal cord injury in 2009, 2010, and 2011?
2. What research was done in regards to question one above?
3. What are your future plans for both spending and research for a cure for chronic spinal cord injury in the near future.
And they answered.
Hi Dennis,
Thanks for writingus again with your questions.
We share your passion in accelerating progress towards a cure for paralysis after spinal cord injury, although we may not always agree on the meansto get there.
We're a young organization (created in 2007) now enteringour next five-yearwork phase.
We're currently wrapping up many of our olderprojects and about to embark on some exciting new initiatives in our three core areas: cure, care and collaboration.
In the meantime, our FAQ page (http://www.rickhanseninstitute.org/what-we-do/faqs#percentage )providesa breakdown of projects by core area,ourwork in the cure sphere, someprogress, funding sourcesand where we're heading.
The Rick Hansen Institute
Rick Hansen Institute
6th Floor, Blusson Spinal Cord Centre
6400 - 818 W. 10th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9
t: 604-707-2100
e: info@rickhanseninstitute.org
A world without paralysis after spinal cord injury.
Follow us:
Follow the whole conversation between me and the Rick Hansen Institute
1. To Rick Hansen Institute: we don't need paper heroes - http://stemcellsandatombombs.blogspot.com/2012/09/to-rick-hansen-institute-we-dont-need.html?m=1
2. Pants on firs - http://stemcellsandatombombs.blogspot.com/2012/10/lxxx-lxxx-pants-on-fire.html?m=1
3. Copy and paste the answers. Thanks. - http://stemcellsandatombombs.blogspot.com/2012/10/copy-and-paste-answers-thanks.html?m=1
Dennis Tesolat
BlackBerry from DOCOMO
14 October 2012
Vote for your favourite image
Ask most people that I work with and they will tell you that I love my work to be constructively criticized. It's what makes the end product better. There was some criticism of the image I chose of the woman dancer (image 2). Some believed that she looked like a stripper and maybe that it wasn't the most positive image that I could have chosen. I truly believed the woman to be a dancer and didn't even consider the fact of what others might have thought. A friend of mine told me that it couldn't be a stripper because strippers dance in heels and my image was clearly a dancer, but I guess we all have different eyes and I truly do appreciate the comments. So, what I'm going to do, because I believe that most people have good sense, and the last thing I want to do is divide us over an image, I will let those who follow my blog, my facebook friends, your facebook friends, anybody, vote to decide what the best image is. I think people can chose an image that won't insult most people. It's up to YOU to chose. I've picked five that I like, at least that were free and not stolen, and I'll leave it to you. You can vote in one click below to pick the image that I will use for our current Rick Hansen Lobbying campaign. For more information about the campaign, please see here. | ||||
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The vote is over and image 3 wins the race. Thanks to all of you who voted.
13 October 2012
Rick Hansen Foundation lobbying

04 October 2012
Copy and paste the answers. Thanks!
Japan, Osaka-shi,
5 October 2012
Via FAX & Email
Bill Barrable, CEO
Rick Hansen Institute
6400 - 818 West 10th Avenue,
Blusson Spinal Cord Centre,
Vancouver, British Columbia,
FAX: +1-604-707-2121
Email: bbarrable@rickhanseninstitute.org
Dear Mr. Bill Barrable,
Thank you for your reply.
I'm sorry if I have missed any answers that RHI or RHF have sent me in the past.
Actually, this is the first time that I have written to RHI and the only other time that RHI 'signed' an email was the very first time. After that, each email was sent from Mr. Art Reitmayer, the past CEO of RHF.
Therefore, if you've already answered in the past, please forgive. This means that you should have the answer at the ready since you have already answered.
So here we go.
1. What percentage of your budget went to research (basic or translational) for a cure for chronic spinal cord injury in 2009, 2010, and 2011?
2. What research was done in regards to question one above?
3. What are your future plans for both spending and research for a cure for chronic spinal cord injury in the near future.
Thank you for your patience in answering my questions. I've tried to find the answers that you spoke of, but failed. If you could just copy and paste the information, it would be well appreciated.
Dennis Tesolat
Dennis Tesolat
BlackBerry from DOCOMO
Pants on fire!
30 September 2012
Working2Walk - I'll be there in spirit AND pocketbook
- a yearly conference sponsored by U2FP since 2006 to bring together scientists, practioners, paralysis survivors and family members for a dynamic exchange of information and strategies
- with a jam packed agenda of the best science to cure paralysis
- presented by leading world scientists and others involved in raising money and advocating for a cure for spinal cord injury
- having a live blogto read about the events as they happen (2011 W2W)
- putting the main speakers up on the web so we can see the good news about the main scientific cure breakthroughs (2010&2011 W2W)
- legislative advocacy on behalf of the spinal cord injury community
- teaching us how to be active for cure through their advocacy and fundraising toolkits
- identifying and advancing the most promising research to cure CHRONIC spinal cord injury through their Scientific Advisory Board and Advocate Research Committee.
- and giving us the tools to educate, organize, and take action for a cure for spinal cord injury.
20 September 2012
Roman Reed vetoed but we are not defeated
In the end, despite all our efforts, the governor of California, Mr. Jerry Brown, vetoed the law. But he didn't simply veto a law, he let down the paralyzed. He didn't just let us down in words, he let us down by taking away about $3 million dollars from the cure paralysis war chest.
There is a lot of discussion about why he did it, and since I'm no expert on California politics, the source I trust for this information is Mr. Don Reed, whose son Roman Reed the bill is named after. In Mr. Reed's latest post on StemCell Battes (www.stemcellbattles.com) he has this to say in regards to Governor Jerry Brown's reasons.

Name: Governor Jerry Brown
Fax: (916) 558-3160
Osaka, Japan