First of all, I'd like to thank all our readers out there who stuck with us through all our campaigns to the Rick Hansen Group (RHG: Rick Hansen Foundation and Rick Hansen Institute). All the way from our first campaign in June of 2011, followed by our appeal for direct talks in August 2011 and ending with the last campaign targetting the Interdependence conference in May of this year. We finally will get what we've always asked for, a chance for direct talks with those leading RHG.
After some preliminary discussions and email between me and RHG, it looks like three delegates from our campaigns from Canada, the UK, and Japan will meet leaders of RHG by skype. Our goal, just one thing, to find out about RHG's vision and plans to become leaders for a cure for chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) and how we the paralyzed and our supporters can be involved.
From the very beginning we understood that the voices of ones and twos are easily shunted aside and the more we spoke in unison, the louder our voices grew; from the ninety or so who sent the first protest emails to the last group of 750 who emailed RHG during our INterDEPENDENCE campaign. The paralyzed are standing up and demanding that large foundations show leadership the size of their purses in building collaboration and vision in our war on paralysis.
Thank you. These upcoming talks are your good work and you will be kept abreast of the talks.
Dennis Tesolat
BlackBerry from DOCOMO
Thanks Dennis!