10 January 2012

Send a letter to the Chronicle Journal about the Rick Hansen Foundation

The Monday, 9 January edition of the Chronicle Journal (Thunder Bay) ran a story about the Rick Hansen Relay going through the Thunderbay, Ontario area (http://www.chroniclejournal.com/content/news/local/2012/01/09/rick-hansen-still-makes-difference). The goals of this relay, retracing the steps of the original Man in Motion tour wheeled by Rick Hansen across Canada twenty five years ago, is to raise both awareness and money.

The article goes on to state that in twenty five years $245 million dollars has been raised, but when 300 people wrote to the Rick Hansen Foundation asking how much of this money has been spent on a cure for spinal cord injury, we were greeted with a message that didn't answer the question.

Send an email to the Chronicle Journal and ask them to follow the real news behind the Rick Hansen Foundation and what they are doing to achieve a cure for spinal cord injury.

Campaign closed. Please see 

Keeping a cure for spinal cord injury in the media

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