The vote in the California Senate has been put off for a few days so you have a just a little more time to send a message for cure.
Do it NOW before it's too late!
If not us, who? If not now, when?”
- John F. Kennedy -
A simple California law, the Roman Reed law, to fund paralysis cure research will be voted on in the California Senate this week. This is the last vote in a long string of votes that you have already supported by sending a simple email.
And we ask that you do it one more time.
Your emails have had this law pass four committe hearings and a vote of the whole of the California Assembly.
Now we're at the Senate and again we ask you to click for cure.
This law,AB1657, adds a one dollar surchage on all moving traffic violations to fund research of spinal cord injury and related neurological conditions such as ALS, Alzheimer's, Parkinsons', Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) and others, to be able to one day realize the dream of paralysis cure. As you may know, car accidents are the number one leading cause of spinal cord injury and paralysis.
We don't care if you're in the Italy, Brazil, Thailand, or in California itself. Show the Senators in California that the whole world wants a cure for paralysis and that means funding direct research to cure paralysis.
Your click counts!
Send an email to the senators below and support paralysis research cure.
This is our moment in history to stand up against the malicious physical persecution of paralysis! - Roman Reed -
This campaign has now ended. Thank you for your support and the results will be announced shortly.
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